Complications faced when suffering from skin cancer

Complications faced when suffering from skin cancer

There are various complications that can occur in the case of skin cancer. These could take place before or after undergoing surgery/treatment for the same. Apart from them, cancer brings with it a lot of mental, physical, and emotional strain that does not always leave a mark but is very exhaustive. Some complications and other problems that can be faced when battling this disease are:

Recurrence: Skin cancers, if not treated early or treated properly, may recur. The entire cycle of diagnoses and treatments have to be repeated, sometimes more aggressively and for longer periods. Local recurrence occurs when skin cancers spread in a specific area, especially to the adjacent lymph vessels and bone.

Metastasis: Skin cancers that are non-melanoma, if left untreated or are poorly treated, can spread to other parts of the body. Melanomas that are advanced can cause complications even after treatment. There is a need for prolonged monitoring after treatment to detect recurrence or metastasis.
Melanoma can affect the brain, spinal cord, lungs, liver, lymph nodes, and bone. If it spreads to the bones, it can weaken them, leading to pathological fractures. If cancer spreads to the spine, a person may feel numbness and weakness in the legs, pain that travels down from the back to the legs, and loss of bowel and urinary control. Increased levels of calcium (hypercalcemia) may result from the breakdown of bone tissue.

Skin cancers can spread to the lungs and cause persistent cough, shortness of breath, and other lung complications. Liver metastasis can cause jaundice and other digestive disorders. Metastasis to the brain can cause vision changes, other sensory and motor impairment, headaches, weakness, and seizures.

Long-term effects of treatment: Chemotherapy and radiation therapy cause damage to the body during the treatment. Chemotherapy tends to damage normal cells too like those in the mouth, digestive tract and the genitals. Hair follicles are affected, causing extensive hair fall and other scalp disorders. Chemotherapy also harms the blood-forming cells in the bone marrow. A condition called lymphedema occurs when the removal of lymph nodes may cause a disruption in the lymphatic system, which in turn results in a buildup of fluids in the limbs.

Some chemotherapy drugs may cause the following side effects among others:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Changes in appetite
  • Mood changes
  • Weight changes
  • Heart problems
  • Fertility problems
  • Nerve damage
  • Anemia

Emotional issues: The appearance of a disease like skin cancer can cause stress and anxiety about how family members, colleagues at work and others will react. Depression may be a common feeling among cancer patients as it is not easy to stay strong throughout. If the feeling of depression interferes with daily activities and work, or it lasts for a long time, it needs serious consideration. Clinical depression can compound the feeling of hopelessness and makes it difficult for a patient to function normally and follow treatment plans. Some of the symptoms of clinical depression are:

  • Feeling sad on a daily basis, throughout the day
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Eating problems, loss of appetite, overeating
  • Weight problems
  • Loss of interest in leisure activities
  • Wild mood swings
  • Loss of concentration and focus
  • Feeling worthless, hopeless, helpless and guilty
  • Suicidal thoughts

Support from family members, co-workers, friends, and acquaintances will help deal with emotional and mental health issues.