Common Treatments for Diabetes

Common Treatments for Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious health condition that can affect people of any age. It has been associated with increased risk of stroke, blindness, and heart attack, even amputation due to poor blood circulation in the limbs. Treatment for diabetes involves keeping a close watch on the sugar level in the blood and playing attention to what you do, eat and how you live your life. Your treating physician should be able to design a treatment plan based on the type of diabetes you are suffering from as well as your lifestyle:

1. Treatment with Insulin
If you have type 1 diabetes, it means your pancreas are unable to produce insulin due to which the sugar level in the blood is higher than the allowed limited. External insulin in the form of injection is administered in this case. The daunting part, however, is administering insulin injections yourself. Luckily, there are devices and techniques to deliver the right amount of insulin that the body needs and make the procedure seem effortless. Some people with diabetes are given insulin through a computerized insulin pump. The accuracy of delivery is attained through insulin therapy, the amount of insulin which depends on the blood sugar level before food intake.

2. Treatment through diet
Another way to prevent the downward spiral of health due to diabetes is through eating food that leads to healthy blood sugar levels. Eating a balanced diet is mandatory for any person suffering from any type of diabetes. The physician will recommend a set of food items that are okay to eat and help design an elaborate menu plan to bring this condition under control. What is essential here is to follow the plan every day without fail. Usually, your physician will suggest three or four small meals instead of one large portion that way a proper balance of insulin and sugar is maintained.

3. Treatment via exercise
Exercise has been proven to be effective in treating diabetes of all types. Exercise in fact increases the body’s ability to use insulin and thereby lowers blood sugar levels. Training exercises turn out to be beneficial on multiple levels, such as maintaining a healthy body weight and getting rid of other underlying health conditions. It is also the easiest way of combating certain illnesses related to the heart and lungs. However, too much exercise can be harmful to the body when you have diabetes. Dangerously low level of blood sugar may be the result of extreme exercise regimen that may lead to fatigue, fainting even coma. It is therefore necessary to check your blood sugar very often and when necessary stop exercising and have a snack or drink containing carbohydrates.

4. Treatment through awareness
The benefits of owning a MedicAlert bracelet when you are a diabetic patient is pretty clear. When you have severe hypoglycemic and are unable to take care of yourself, this bracelet will let others know of your condition and get the needed help quickly and effectively. Identifying yourself as a diabetic is a well-marked route to safety and good health.