Common symptoms of ADHD observed in children

Common symptoms of ADHD observed in children

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition which makes it troublesome for the affected individual to focus on and control his or her regular day-to-day activities. He or she may become restless and remain constantly hyperactive as well.

ADHD isn’t only an issue that affects individuals during their childhood. Despite the fact that the side effects of ADHD start during childhood, this condition may worsen through puberty and adulthood. Even though the hyperactivity will, in general, subside as the child enters his or her teenage, the issues with negligence, confusion, and poor drive control may worsen as individuals grow.

To start on the right course of treatment, it is important for you to know the primary symptoms of this condition. A child may be diagnosed with ADHD only when he or she shows any of the six symptoms listed below, depending upon the category of this disorder that has affected him or her:

Primarily inattentive type (Formerly known as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD))

  • First and foremost, paying attention to minute details or constantly making small errors in school is one of the most popular symptoms of ADHD.
  • The inability to concentrate while performing usual tasks or while playing may be a sign of this problem.
  • Most ADHD-affected children also have difficulty in responding when they need to answer something directly.
  • The failure to finish chores, duties, and other tasks on time because of an immediate loss of focus is also a symptom exhibited by children with ADHD.
  • Another symptom that has been observed is the reluctance to carry out tasks which are difficult or to find organizing tasks particularly tough to undertake.
  • Children with this type of ADHD may also be easily distracted by any external stimulus.

Primarily hyperactive-impulsive type

  • Squirming in a seat or fidgeting with objects in hand is a common symptom portrayed by children with this type of disorder.
  • These children cannot stay still for too long. So, for example, tasks which require them seated for a long time are tough for them to carry out. This may also include sitting in class.
  • They may often be found climbing or running when it is not required.
  • They look like they are constantly on the go.
  • Talking excessively is a by-product of this disorder.
  • They may also often be seen responding to a question even before the question has been completed.
  • Intruding others in games, activities, and using others things without asking is also a common symptom exhibited by these children.

ADHD in girls
Due to many biological and societal reasons, ADHD presents itself differently in girls. Some researchers revealed that they won’t often be seen acting as hyperactive or impulsive as boys. Here are some of the most common symptoms portrayed by girls:

  • Common mood disorders along with anxiety
  • A deficit in social skills
  • Over-reaction to emotional situations

This disorder may be treated with proper care and love. All you need to do is pay attention to your child and take a therapeutic intervention to get rid of this problem.