Everything you need to know about the Whole30 Diet

Everything you need to know about the Whole30 Diet

The Whole30 diet is a diet plan that stretches over 30 days and places emphasis on intake of whole foods and eliminates the intake of sugar, dairy products, spirits and alcohol, grains and legumes.

What is the Whole30 diet?
The Whole30 diet plan aims at removing all the potentially inflammatory foods and drinks in a regular diet like legumes, dairy products, alcohol, and sugar, and replaces it with three clean meals a day which has been approved by the specialists. It cuts out all junk food from the dietary habits of people and instead adds food with better nutritious value as approved by the diet plan like meat, seafood, vegetables and eggs.

What you can eat

  • Meat
  • Chicken – sausages, leg pieces – a whole lot of it is allowed
  • Eggs are allowed in moderate portions each day
  • Fish can be included in a certain quantity. Canned fish can also be consumed
  • Vegetables can be had in large portions
  • Fruits like avocados and apples must be included in the diet
  • Other than clarified butter, not all fats can be included in the diet

What You Can’t Eat :

  • No sugar or any sweetener. Not even maple syrup.
  • No alcohol and spirits
  • No smoking including cigarette and other substances
  • No grains like quinoa or rice
  • No beans or legumes like chickpeas
  • No peanut butter or jam or chocolates
  • No soy and no dairy products which include soy milk, tofu, and cheese
  • No processed additives like -sulfites, and MSG
  • No treats in between the diet plan

This plan is designed to build healthier relationships with the body and make it cleaner and fat-free. It removes all toxins and makes it fit and strong.

Benefits of the Whole30 days diet plan
The benefits are many. The most common health benefits are:

  • Weight loss
    This is one of the major health benefits. You will notice considerable changes in your overall body weight.
  • Health conditions may improve
    Headaches, poor stamina, breathing problems, and other health problems are improved.
  • Digestive problems resolved
    Digestion and excretion issues are resolved by following this diet.
  • Skin is clearer
    The quality, tone, and texture of the skin is improved through this detoxifying diet.
  • Energy levels increase
    The energy levels are super high thanks to the superfoods of this diet.
  • Transformed taste buds
    Cravings for unhealthy junk and oily food decreases.
  • More effective workouts
    Workouts become more effective.
  • Improved sleep
    Sleep cycles improve considerably. No problems with insomnia.

Cons of the Whole30 diet plan
When you stop consuming grains, automatically your carbohydrate level drops and you start losing weight. Consumption of fiber, magnesium, folate, vitamin E and iron are must have proteins for your body. Consumption of whole grains is connected to a lower risk of developing coronary illness, heart disease, and diabetes. Likewise, legumes, such as chickpeas, beans, peanuts, soyfoods( tofu, tempeh, edamame), are rich sources of protein which is very essential for our health. Excluding legumes from a diet may have a negative effect on health. Also, it is better if vegetables are consumed along with other natural foods and whole grains, to form a more healthy and balanced diet. This is shown to be connected with lower rates of prediabetes, as published in a known journal.